Review: Apple Bobbing

Hi Everybody,

This review is on Apple Bobbing which was made by AFawcett.  Apple Bobbing is a simple game for a starter on Scratch.  Some Scratchers could write down the codes for it without downloading it to look at the code.  Apple Bobbing is a very simple game, but before people say, “Its so basic,” I would like to add that Scratch is a simple program and was not just made for the biggest games such as Cube World and all the other BIG games. Apple bobbing lets you click on the apple to bite it. After tem bites, you win a treat (I’m not going to tell you what it is, so go and find out). Here is a picture:



So go and try it, but first read this, the final review:

(please note that half smile is deliberate)

Thanks for reading,

November 10, 2008 at 7:14 pm 4 comments

Review: Chop Shop

Hi Everybody,

This review is on Chop Shop which is another front page hit from m44.  Recently, I reviewed his “Munity” game, which was the highest rated game ever on Scratch Reviews.  Chop shop is the biggest scroller on Scratch yet.  It is bigger and better than Archknight‘s Adventure.  Anyway, Chop Shop is the biggest game on Scratch yet.  As I said, it is the biggest scroller, with the most HD Graphics ever!  Here is an image:


Lets see what m44’s fans have to say, shall we?:

WolfDemon – “It Rocks!”
Textgal – “Awesome, I love the music.”
JediPloKoon – “This is one of the best games on Scratch.”
yo_dev – “Sweet.”
antman76 – “Greatest game on Scratch.”

So here is the final review:


Thanks for reading,

November 9, 2008 at 9:15 am 2 comments

Presidential Election Result

Hi Everybody,

I know this is off topic, but Barrack Obama has won the election, to celebrate, here is a video:

(no offence is meant by this video, Scratch Reviews did not make this video, and so is not responsible if it is considered innapropriate)

Enjoy It,

November 5, 2008 at 8:40 pm Leave a comment

Review: Blobland

Hi Everybody,

This review is on Blobland which was made by ashowiscool.  Blobland is one of the funnest games you can play that has never made the front page.  Blobland lets you control a blob and you use the arrow keys to cross from one side of the screen to the other, but sometimes the crontrols mix around, so the Up Arrow would move you Left, the Down Arrow would move you Right, the Left Arrow would move you Down, and the Right Arrow would move you Up.  Sometimes the blob changes direction with the arrow keys, and moves forward with the Up Arrow!  Lets see a picture:



There is not much more to say, so here is the final review:

(please note that half smile is deliberate)


Thanks for reading,

November 4, 2008 at 8:34 pm Leave a comment

Review: Harvest Moon Vs. Team Sonic

Hi Everybody,

This review is on Harvest Moon Vs. Team Sonic by RyanMan13.  This isn’t really a game, its just an interactive video.  Its not everybody’s cup of tea.  Its like a Pokemon Battle except its Harvest Moon Vs. Team Sonic, but Sonic isn’t in it.  Nomatter what moves you chose throughout the game, the same storyline goes on.  Here is an image:

There isn’t much more to say, except for that it got FEATURED!  Anyway, here is the final review:

Thanks for reading,

November 3, 2008 at 6:34 pm Leave a comment

Review: ScratchPad

Hi Everybody,

This review is on ScipioBellorum‘s ScratchPad.  ScratchPad is a text writer that has the most stunning effects that any project in Scratch could ever have.  Just take a look at the logo:

ScratchPad is 100% Glitch Free and lets you type as fast as you want.  You can open two pages, and save your work in each one, then when you restart the project, they are still saved!  The project includes symbols to enter in too!  The only dissapointing this is that there is only lower-case letters allowed.  There should be a caps lock button that changes the lower-case to upper-case.  There could also be more symbols (such as ‘?’ and ‘!’).  Here is a snapshot:


Most people agree this is good by saying, ‘This is really good.’ and ‘Nice Job.’!  Well here is the final review:

(please note that the half smile is deliberate)

Thanks for reading,

November 2, 2008 at 8:18 pm 4 comments

Review: T-Zine

Hi Everybody,

This review is on T-Zine, which was made by Herey.  T-Zine is a Scratch Newspaper which has the most unusual song that gets in your head!  It has a very neat introduction, where the letters that spell ‘T-Zine’ shuffle around and then form the logo which floats to the corner where it remains for the rest of the project.  T-Zine is a good newspaper that has a great ‘Next Page’ button which allows you to navigate your way through different pages.  It’s quite neat, and when you click a certain button, a list of each page pops up and you can quickly jump to a page.


Here is what the viewers think:

Paddle2See – ”This is great! A very clean look and easy to navigate. I really like the how-to sections!”
IrishMan – ”Nice and neat, if this gets popular, the other newspapers will be forgotten about.”
ScipioBellorum – ”I like the games in it, but they should be in a seperate project.”
Swasswa – ”Awesome!”
Jangozing – ”Its so cool.”
MohamedSadek – ”Good Project.”


Lets see what the author says, shall we?:

Herey – ”Maybe I’ll make a seperate game (this was said to ScipioBellorum), you can remix it and make it into your own game if you want to!”


Here is the final review:

Thanks for reading,

November 2, 2008 at 8:01 pm Leave a comment

Review: 3D Shooting Skydiving

Hi Everybody,

This review is on JWB101‘s 3D Shooting Skydiving.  In this game, you must score as much points as you can by shooting targets while skydiving.  It is great fun, and there is even a High Score Board in the project notes.  The graphics and layout are clean and efficient, and its a great game.  Here is an image:


Lets see what the Scratchers who played this though:

Notnuts – ”Nice Game!”.
CrazyGamerC – ”I love it!”


And the authors comment was:

JWB101 – ”This is addicting.”


This is the Final Review:

Thanks for reading,

November 1, 2008 at 9:49 pm Leave a comment

Review: BYSTOP 8

Hi Everybody,

This review is on BYSTOP 8 by alexpja.  BYSTOP 8 is an Operating System made in Scratch.  The beginning of the project has a loading menu, which could use a bit more detail, but it works well enough.  The Desktop is perfectly neat and tidy, and the only dissapointing thing about it is the background which does not fit in.  This could be improved in a Version 2.  The applications on the project are:

Music Player – Listen to the song ‘United States’.

Internet Explorer – When opened, it tells you there is no internet connection, so there is nothing to do here.

There is also a shutdown button which gives a black screen with some text saying, ‘Click the Green Flag to reboot computer’.  Anyway, here are some images:


Here is the overall review:

(the half smile is deliberate)

Enjoy using it,

November 1, 2008 at 9:31 pm 3 comments

Review: Scratchsoft Word

Hi Everybody,

This review is on AAAAAwinnerGLT‘s project, ‘Scratchsoft Word‘.  Scratchsoft Word is a sort of ‘Wordpad’ or ‘Open Office Writer’.  But Scratchsoft Word does not work well for people who are fast typers.  You have to wait a quarter of a second before you can press another key.  But if you are a slow typer, you can manage it, but you might have to make one or two pauses.  Here is one thing that needs to be fixed:

See, there is a large space between where the bar is and where the letters are placed, but its not that much of a bother, you can manage to figure out where the letters will go.

But enough of my jibber-jabber, lets see what Scratchers think:

Archmage – ”If you type too fast it messes up.”
Paddle2See – ”Nice, the delete is working flawlessly.”
Rockodude8 – ”There should be a question mark button.”
Axel600 – ”Awesome.”

So there are some good and bad comments from fellow Scratchers, but lets see what the author says, shall we?:

AAAAAwinnerGLT – ”Well, this is not my last version, I will add a v3 soon.  I will try to fix the typing fast glitch, but I am new to Scratch typing programs.”


Here is the final review:

Thanks for reading,

November 1, 2008 at 7:29 pm 2 comments

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